
Gene symbols : the challenge

Almost certainly, one day, you'll have between your hands a list of outdated gene symbols. And you'll probably think that updating them is a straightforward task, but it's not that simple! Because there's the word 'bio' in bioinformatician, updating the gene symbols reminds me of the futile cycle. According to Wikipedia's definition, a futile cycle occurs when two metabolic pathways run simultaneously in opposite directions and have no overall effect other than to dissipate energy in the form of heat**.  Updating the [...]

By |2016-11-08T09:30:17+00:00September 29, 2014|Categories: Bioinformatics, Biology|0 Comments

Assessing enrichment

Working on a set of RNA-seq of AML patient samples, I stumble on gene X.  When its expression is high, 50% of the samples are mutated on gene Y, a mutation that has a prevalence of only 20% in the rest of the dataset.  Is there a link between these two observations?  Let's put some numbers on this:  among the 131 samples of the dataset, 28 show mutations on gene Y, 6 have high expression of X and 3 have both "features".  The table below is [...]

By |2017-04-29T15:49:00+00:00May 21, 2014|Categories: Bioinformatics, Statistics|0 Comments


Welcome to our blog! We look forward to sharing our  knowledge, experience and  ideas with the entire web community.  But first, let’s be formal and introduce ourselves.  We are the team behind IRIC's bioinformatics platform.  What do we do? Well, we work on various projects.  In fact, the platform offers algorithmic development and customized data analysis to support the needs and requirements of all of IRIC's 27 research teams.  The platform supports the needs of all the laboratories regarding high [...]

By |2017-04-29T15:50:20+00:00November 1, 2013|Categories: Bioinformatics|0 Comments
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